The Intelligence Report
How companies stay
on top of local, national, &
global events and disruptions
The Tac On Ready Intelligence Report
This Intelligence Report is unique. We do not use aggregator software to search the internet for key words. Our expertise lies in our knowledge of the local, regional and global dynamics of the activists themselves and their tradecraft.
We utilize an established network of embedded sources, not to mention local media, social media, email lists, databases and surveillance. Our knowledge of the activists groups, their leadership, activities and the proclaimed protestors themselves, provides unique insight in the local dynamics and allows us to report what's GOING to happen; not what happened.
We share this information with our clients via our bi-weekly online classified Intelligence Report.
Intelligence Report: Pre-purchase Application
The Tac+On Ready Intelligence report is for companies with critical infrastructure who need to ensure their day-to-day activates remain uninterrupted by activists and their disruptive tactics.
Prior to being allowed to purchase, all applicants are individually vetted. If approved, you will be be contacted by Tac+On Ready.